Cook County Assessor's Whistleblowing Online Program Form

Note:The information you submit on this page is and will remain anonymous; this page will not track your IP address

Property Tax Exemption Fraud Hurts You!
When someone gets an undeserved break on taxes, you pay more than fair share. If you know that a property is improperly receiving an exemption, tell us!
Address of the property receiving an improper exemption:
Address line 1:  
Address line 2:
Property Owner Name (if known):
Property Index Number (If known):
Please explain in detail, why you think that this property has an improper exemption? 
May we contact you for
more information?
If yes, please provide your name and daytime phone number or email adddress:
Your name:
Day phone number
(Include area code):
Email address:  

Thank you for your tip.
Please remember that providing false information is a crime. False reports can cost offenders up to 3 years in jail and a $25,000 fine.
False reports can cost offenders up to 3 years in jail and a $25,000 fine.

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Cook County Assessor's Office
118 North Clark Street, Third Floor, Chicago, IL 60602